


Ayurveda pays particular attention to people’s nutrition. During treatment, a special diet is selected for the patient. The doctor also gives general guidance on the compatibility of foods and the time when they should be eaten.

Power for balancing dosh.

At the heart of the Ayurvedic diet is the notion that all people are different, but belong to several constitutional types – doshas. There are only three of them: kapha, pitta and cotton wool. You can describe them as three types of different energy. At different times they are present in every person, but as a rule, one predominates: it is determined at conception, and it is impossible to change it. Maintaining health in Ayurveda is the preservation of the inherent relationship of the dosh from birth. Each of them has its strengths and weaknesses.

Head Physician

Raghupathi Pandey

Each product feeds us not only because of the calories contained in it. According to Ayurveda, the most valuable is the natural energy component filling it, prana.


Advice from the cook

Try not to mix cold and hot meals during meals, raw and cooked, as well as sweet and spicy food. Fried in the diet should be a minimum amount.

Secrets of Nutrition

Nutrition is the main factor affecting the human body. Ayurveda persistently and quite reasonably suggests that poor nutrition is the cause of many human diseases. According to the concept of Ayurveda, food has positive and negative qualities.

Sweet taste should prevail in our morning meals.

If you want food to bring positive emotions – add brown sugar.

At lunch the food must contain all the six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, astringent.

When the food has all the 6 flavors – it completely nourishes the body and the mind.

In the evening, neutral taste should prevail (foods that contains a lot of water, then the taste will be neutral).

You should eat when you are calm and in a good mood.

In order to enrich the food with different tastes and improve its digestion you need to use spices.

Spices should be added in small doses and only those that are suitable for you, and to those products with which they are compatible.

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